目前分類:Python (29)

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[第24期] Calculate KD value of the stock by using yfinance and PyQt/使用yfinance與PyQt計算股票的KD值 1

This video shows how to use yfinance and PyQt to calculate  KD value of the stock .

The content includes: 

1. Input Taiwan stock ticker


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This vedio shows how to use pytube and PySide to download YouTube audio (mp3).

The content includes: 

1. PySide Introduction

2. Filter Audio Stream


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This video shows how to use PyQtGraph and nidaqmx to implement real time plots. The content includes:

1. Install NI-​DAQmx and python nidaqmx

2. Use Qt Designer to design GUI

3. Real-time display DAQ data


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This video shows how to use pytube and PyQt to download YouTube video. The content includes:

1. PyTube Introduction

2. Use Qt Designer to design GUI

3. One click download Youtube video


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This video shows how to use PyQtGraph and PyQt to implement line and scatter plots. The content includes:

1. PyQtGraph Introduction

2. Embedding custom widgets from Qt Designer

3. Use PlotWidget.plot() to add data to plot widget


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 This video demonstrate how to write a PyQt calculator program by using MVC architecture.

The content includes:

1. MVC Architecture Introduction

2. Place codes with different purposes into Model.py, View.py and Controller.py


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This video introduce how to use PyQt and Qt Designer to implement GUI of Calculator.
1. Use Qt Designer to design User Interface 
2. Load UI file 
3. Connect “Signal”and “Slot” 

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This video shows how to use mathematical functions in LabVIEW and Python.
We introduce Expression Node for non-conplex data type calculation in LabVIEW and applications of Math library in Python.
Some examples (conversion of degree and radian, the plot of sine wave etc.) are provided for the demonstration of Expression Node and Math library in LabVIEW and Python respectively.

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This video describe how to add random number to Python array.

Two libraries, Numpy and Random, are used to implement this purpose.

本視頻說明如何在Python的陣列中加入隨機數。 需要利用兩個函式庫,Numpy和Random來實現這個目的。


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This video shows how to migrate LabVIEW to Python. Examples of reading file to XY graph are demonstrated by using LabVIEW and Python.


1. Read file and plot XY graph with LabVIEW

2. Read file and plot XY graph with Python


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This video shows how to read camera streaming media of Notebook by OpenCV



1. 讀取筆電的攝影機影像 Read camera streaming media of NB


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This video shows how to install OpenCV in Anaconda and write program to read image in the Spyder IDE.



1. Install OpenCV by using Anaconda Prompt/使用Anaconda Prompt安裝OpenCV (pip install opencv-python)


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 This video shows 5 kinds of examples for definition of function.


1.Define function (no parameter)定義函數(無參數)

2.Define function (parameters)定義函數(參數)

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 This example shows how to use python to comunicate with SQLite in Colab.


7. Update data in table 更新資料表中的資料

8. Delete data in table 從資料表中刪除資料


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This example shows how to use python to comunicate with SQLite in Colab.
1. Mount Google drive for Colab use 在Colab中掛載Google硬碟

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 This video shares how to install and use yfinance in Colab


1. Install yfinance library 安裝yfinance函式庫

2. Get single item or all items from stock information 獲取單一或全部的股票資訊項目


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This example shows how to integrate a plot or figure on matplotlib into the graphic user interface of tkinter.

1. Import tkinter

2. Import matplotlib

3. Import FigureCanvasTkAgg


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This example shows how to use "command" in button to call a function with or without parameters

1. Import tkinter

2. build a window named "win".

3. window format 1: title()


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This example shows how to build a GUI by using tkinter.

1. Import tkinter

2. build a window named "win".

3. window format 1: title()


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This example provides the following three steps for training:
1. Install nidaqmx package, Python can use this package to read analog signals from NI DAQ card.
2. Use Simulated NI DAQ Device to simulate NI DAQ device.
3. Use matplotlib to plot analog signals from NI DAQ device.


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