長期以來使用Labview來開發軟體,NI的DAQ card來做為硬體,
另外,在低價位的NIUSB 6008及6009出來之前,
不論是PCI, PXI或PCMCIA系列的NI DAQ card,一張總是要上萬元,
我在網路上查到一家Labjack公司的USB DAQ產品,算是低價位的,
在驅動程式方面支援許多開發軟體,如VB,VC++,Delphi, Borland C builder等,
當然,也支援Labview, LabWindows/CVI,
所以就只是當是個網路搜尋的資料, 寫下來做備忘錄吧!
LabJack U12
$129 (quantity 1-9) 算是不錯的價位了,不過不知道運送到台灣要增加多少錢?
- 8 Single-Ended, 4 Differential 12-Bit Analog Inputs
- ±10 Volt Analog Input Range
- PGA with Gains of 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, or 20 V/V
- Up to 8 kSamples/Sec (Burst) or 1.2 kSamples/Second (Stream)
- Supports Software or Hardware Timed Acquisition
- 2 Analog Outputs
- 20 Digital I/O (Up to 50 Hz per I/O)
- 32-Bit Counter
- Watchdog Timer Function
- USB 2.0/1.1 Low Speed Interface (Data Rate Information)
- Connect Up to 80 LabJacks to One USB Host
- Complete Software Control, No Jumpers or Switches
- No Power Supply Needed
- Includes Licensed Copy of DAQFactory Express Software (Win2000/XP)
- Includes Sample Applications and Drivers
- Includes LabVIEW VIs
- Works with Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, or XP
- Includes Cable and Screwdriver
- Money Back Guarantee
- Approximately 4" x 6" x 1"
- Rated for Industrial Temperature Range
- OEM Board-Only Versions Available
- Complete specifications in Appendix A of User's Guide