
由於榮耀手環 5推出了血氧功能,這是在1000元左右的智慧手環中有血氧功能的,於是我便取得了一支來體驗。

Honor Band 5 launched its first SpO2 detection function with the price lower than 33 USD. I got one to experience some new functions.


One of new functions is to change face of  Honor Band 5. But I can not find any face change function in my Health App. I just select faces built in Honor Band 5.

Honor Band is comfortable to wear because its curve shape design.  




I introduce some functions I usually use.


  1. 睡眠偵測: 可以提供深睡、淺睡與REM的分布,會提供分析,告訴使用者哪一個階段的會棉是否正常,以及提供建議。
1. Sleep detection: This function can provide  distribution of Deep Sleep, Light Sleep, REM and Awake and analyze sleep data to provide recommendation for improving sleep quality.





2. 在鍛鍊部分,我喜歡用自由訓練的功能,可以在運動前啟動,然後記錄每秒的心律,不需依賴手機的連結,我覺得很方便。
2. Workout: I like to use Free Training function. You should start this function before exercise. Honor band 5 will record the heart rate per second without connecting to smart phone. It's very convenient when you do high intense exercise.









3. 血氧功能,,目前是只能靜態量測,畢竟反射式的血氧濃度量測本來就不容易。
3. SpO2 function is only for static measurement. It's not easy to measure reflective SpO2 due to lower signal. 

According to my testing, sometimes I got strange SpO2 value from Honor Band 5. If you wear Honor Band 5 loosely, SpO2 might not be correct.   


Because I am curious about the accuracy of SpO2 of Honor Band 5. I compare Honor Band 5 with the commercial oximeter . I shared this video on the Youtube.


如果手環有配戴好,手環的血氧與心律值倒是與血氧濃度計差不多,不過這並不一定代表甚麼,因為醫療級的血氧濃度計會對70~100%的SpO2數值進行驗證,誤差最多不能超過 4%,還要進行其他法規規定的測試,相對嚴苛的多,不過穿戴是運動器材的發展越來越精確,最後相信一定會向醫療器材這一塊邁進。

If I wear Honor Band 5 and fit my wrist, SpO2 and heart rate of the band will be similar to the commercial oximeter. But it didn't mean that they are equal, the oximeter is the medical device and pass serious tests requested by the regulation such as the spO2 accuracy test  from 70 to 100% within 4% error.








    榮耀手環5 血氧 睡眠
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