This example shows how to use TouchGFX to design GUI on LCD of STM32F429I Disc1 Board.
One progress indicator and two buttons are used in this example.There are two examples of demonstrating interactions of the button to interact with the circleProgress indicator:
1. setValue
2. Call New Virtual Function --> Use VS code to modify code generated by TouchGFX
Tab "Run Simulator" to see the effect of the code.
Tab "Run Target" to download the code to STM32F429I Disc1 board.
這個範例說明如何使用TouchGFX設計STM32F429I-Disc1 開發板上LCD的圖形介面。有兩個按鈕與一個circle Progress顯示項被使用在這的範例上,有兩個範例說明按鈕與circle Progress顯示項的互動:
1. 設定數值
2. 呼叫新的虛擬函數 -->使用VS code去修改TouchGFX產生的程式碼
按下Run Simulator去看看模擬的效果。
按下Run Target去將程式燒錄在STM32F429I Disc1開發版。
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