This Video shows how to use VS Code and PlatformIO to debug Arduino code in the ESP Wrover Kit with internal JTAG.
1. Introduce PlatformIO
2. Introduce how to setup JTAG on ESP Wrover Kit and install JTAG Driver
3. Install PlatformIO extension
4. Setup PlatformIO
5. Create new project and Debug Arduino Code
本影片說明如何使用VS Code and PlatformIO來偵錯Arduino程式在有內建JTAG的ESP Wrover Ki開發版上。
1. PlatformIO簡介
2. 介紹如何設定與安裝JTAG驅動程式
3. 安裝PlatformIO擴充
4. 設定PlatformIO
5. 建立與偵錯Arduino程式