This video shows how to build and debug ESP IDF code by using Eclipse IDE.
1. Install Eclipse IDE
2. Install ESP IDF and Git
3. Install JTAG Driver
This video shows how to build and debug ESP IDF code by using Eclipse IDE.
1. Install Eclipse IDE
2. Install ESP IDF and Git
3. Install JTAG Driver
This Video shows how to use VS Code and PlatformIO to debug ESP IDF code in the ESP Wrover Kit with internal JTAG.
1. Import project examples
2. Setup PlatformIO (Add new board)
3. Build project and Debug ESP IDF Code
This Video shows how to use VS Code and PlatformIO to debug Arduino code in the ESP Wrover Kit with internal JTAG.
1. Introduce PlatformIO
2. Introduce how to setup JTAG on ESP Wrover Kit and install JTAG Driver
3. Install PlatformIO extension
This video describe how to add random number to Python array.
Two libraries, Numpy and Random, are used to implement this purpose.
本視頻說明如何在Python的陣列中加入隨機數。 需要利用兩個函式庫,Numpy和Random來實現這個目的。
This video shows the test procedure of the software debugger used in the Arduino IDE.
This debugger provides set/clean break point and display data in the serial monitor.
This video shows how to migrate LabVIEW to Python. Examples of reading file to XY graph are demonstrated by using LabVIEW and Python.
1. Read file and plot XY graph with LabVIEW
2. Read file and plot XY graph with Python
STM32CubeIDE + TouchGFX + STM32F429I Discovery
1. 建立GUI按鈕與虛擬函數
This video demonstrates hoe to use STM32CubeIDE to edit and run TouchGFX program and download code into STM32F429I Discovery Demo board.
The content includes:
1. Related Software & Driver
2. Edit TouchGFX code in STM32CubeIDE
This video shows how to control Dobot Magician by writing LabVIEW VISA program.
The content includes:
1. Protocol description of PTP mode command
2. Write Protocol by VISA to control Dobot Magician
This video gives the brief introduction of Dobot Magicain robotic arm and provides some documents and resources.
這個視頻提供簡單的Dobot Magician機器手臂的簡介,以及一些文件與資源。
1. Software & Driver Installation
This video shows how to read camera streaming media of Notebook by OpenCV
1. 讀取筆電的攝影機影像 Read camera streaming media of NB
本影片介紹如何使用LabVIEW Python Node與OpenCV來讀取圖片。
This video shows how to use LabVIEW Python Node and OpenCV to read image.
步驟 Steps:
1. 使用命令提示字元安裝OpenCV Install openCV in Comand Prompt
This video shows how to install OpenCV in Anaconda and write program to read image in the Spyder IDE.
1. Install OpenCV by using Anaconda Prompt/使用Anaconda Prompt安裝OpenCV (pip install opencv-python)
This video shows 5 kinds of examples for definition of function.
1.Define function (no parameter)定義函數(無參數)
2.Define function (parameters)定義函數(參數)
This example shows how to use python to comunicate with SQLite in Colab.
7. Update data in table 更新資料表中的資料
8. Delete data in table 從資料表中刪除資料