This video shares how to install, set up ESP IDF and build example in VS Code

這個影片分享如何在VS Code中安裝,設定ESP IDF與建立範例說明

1. Install ESP IDF extension in VS Code

安VS Code中裝ESP IDF擴充套件。


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 This example shows how to use LabVIEW to get stock data from yahoo finance


1. get yahoo finance data by using LabVIEW



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This example shows how to use the queue to transmit data from one task to another task.


We will introduce some queue related functions which used in this example:



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This example shows how read the raw data of MPU6050 by using Arduino Mega2560.

There are several steps:

1. Download and install MPU6050 library. (refer to:

2. Introduce the source code.


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This example explain what are tick, tick ISR, task states (Running, Ready, Blocked, and Suspended) and how to use two task delay functions (vTaskDelay and vTaskDelayUntil) to elimanate starving state while two tasks are called with different priorities .
這個範例說明什麼是時脈、時脈中斷服務、任務狀態(執行、就緒、阻塞與掛起),以及如何使用任務延時的函數(相對延時vTaskDelay與 絕對延時vTaskDelayUntil)去消除呼叫兩個不同優先順序的任務時產生的餓死狀態。
Hardware: Arduino Mega2560
Software: VS Code

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 This example shows how to create FreeRTOS task, call scheduler and implement task function in Arduin.


1. Only one task in the running state at any one time, the others are in the not running time.

2. Create two print tasks with the same priority.


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 This video show the blinking of RGB LED controlled by Mega2560.

本影片展示用Mega2560控制RGB LED閃爍的狀況。

Next video will express how to implement it by editing the Arduino code in the VS Code.

下一個影片將說明如何使用VS Code來編寫Arduino code來實現這樣的控制。


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This video shows how to install FreeRTOS library in Arduino IDE. 

這影片說明如何在Arduino IDE中安裝FreeRTOS的程式庫。


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This example shows how BLED112 dongle receive data from ESP32 development board and then send data back to ESP32 and print data on the COM port monitor.

這個範例說明BLED112 dongle如何從ESP32開發版上收取資料,以及將資料送回ESP32並將資料列印在串列埠監控視窗上。

The next video will show to edit Labview program of BLED112 and Arduino code of ESP32.



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This example demonstrates how to use the classic Bluetooth of ESP32 to read and write data from App created by App Inventor 2.

這個範例說明如何使用經典的藍芽連線方式,在ESP32開發版與App Inventor 2開發出來的 App間進行資料的讀寫。

1. Upload SerialToSerialBT code to ESP32 DevKitc_V4

2. Input string to the serial port monitor to transmit data to App.


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This example shows how to install Arduino extension and edit Arduino code in the VS code.
這個範例說明如何在VS Code中安裝Arduino extension以及編輯Arduino程式碼。
1. Install Arduino extension in the VS code.
在VS code中安裝Arduino extension。
2. Set Arduino installation Path.
設定 Arduino的安裝路徑。
3. Ctrl+Shift+P to input command " Arduino: Examples".
使用  Ctrl+Shift+P去輸入"Arduino: Examples"指令。
4. Open Blinky example 
5. Select COM port and board type "Mega2560".
選擇COM port, 以及Mega2560開發版。
6. Modify code and upload to Mega2560.

We will share more tutorial videos with people who want to learn LabVIEW and Python welcome to subscribe this channel.

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This example shows how to integrate a plot or figure on matplotlib into the graphic user interface of tkinter.

1. Import tkinter

2. Import matplotlib

3. Import FigureCanvasTkAgg


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This example shows how to use TouchGFX to design GUI on LCD of STM32F429I Disc1 Board.

One progress indicator and two buttons are used in this example.There are two examples of demonstrating interactions of the button to interact with the circleProgress indicator:

1. setValue

2. Call New Virtual Function --> Use VS code to modify code generated by TouchGFX


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This example shows how to use "command" in button to call a function with or without parameters

1. Import tkinter

2. build a window named "win".

3. window format 1: title()


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This example shows how to build a GUI by using tkinter.

1. Import tkinter

2. build a window named "win".

3. window format 1: title()


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使用STM32Cube IDE在STM32F429-Disco開發板上撰寫程式控制LED閃爍。

This example shows how to use STM32Cube IDE to blink LED on STM32F429-Discovery kit.

1.開啟STM32Cube IDE, 然後新增專案。

2. 指定PG13和14為數位輸出。


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This example provides the following three steps for training:
1. Install nidaqmx package, Python can use this package to read analog signals from NI DAQ card.
2. Use Simulated NI DAQ Device to simulate NI DAQ device.
3. Use matplotlib to plot analog signals from NI DAQ device.


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這個範例說明如何將NI DAQ卡擷取的資料寫入檔案中
This example introduce how to write data acquired from NI DAQ card to a file.



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This example demonstrates how to build an actor framework project, create actor and message class, and launch actor to call message method.

The uses old approach of Lauch before LabVIEW 2014. The new approach will use Launch Root


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This video shows how to download micropython firmware to ESP32 DevKitC v4 by using ESP32 download tool.
本影片說明如何使用ESP32 download tool將Micropython韌體燒錄在ESP32 DevKitC v4開發版上。

There are two steps:


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